
Walking & Visits

One Dog Household

  • 30 minute walk/visit - $25

  • 45 minute walk/visit - $30

  • 60 minute walk visit - $35

Two Dog House Household

  • 30 minute walk/visit - $35

  • 45 minute walk/visit - $40

  • 60 minute walk visit - $45

Three Dog Household

  • 30 minute walk/visit - $55

  • 45 minute walk/visit - $60

  • 60 minute walk visit - $70

*same day service request is an additional $10

*each puppy under 8 months + $5

Play Groups & Hikes

60 Minute Activity

  • One Dog Household - $40

  • Two Dog Household - $55

  • Three Dog Household - $80

*same day service request $10 surcharge

*each puppy under 8 months + $5

Day Care

4 - 8 Hours of Care Mon - Fri 8am - 7pm

  • One Dog Household - $50

  • Two Dog Household - $75

  • Three Dog Household - $120

*walking clients receive free pick up and drop off

*non-walking clients are $10 each way for pickup and drop off

*same day service request $10 surcharge

*each puppy under 8 months + $10


Per Night (Up to 27 hours)

  • One Dog Household - $70

  • Two Dog Household - $115

  • Three Dog Household - $155

*walking clients receive free pick up and drop off

*non-walking clients are $10 each way for pickup and drop off

*same day service request $10 surcharge per night

*each puppy under 8 months + $10 per night

*15% discount for stays over 14 nights


Per Night (up to 15 hours, ie. 6pm - 9am) without Midday Visit/Walk

  • One Dog Household - $70

  • Two Dog Household - $115

  • Three Dog Household - $155

Per Night with Midday Visit/Walk

  • One Dog Household - $95

  • Two Dog Household - $150

  • Three Dog Household - $210

*Includes evening and morning walk and feed

*each puppy under 8 months + $10

*15% discount for stays over 14 nights

*same day service purchase $10

Custom Hour Care

We understand sometimes you need a hand (or a paw) with your pup. Contact us for care tailored specifically to you and your pups needs.